May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023Liked by Rosie Whinray

Your footnotes bring me joy. Thank you for bringing me joy. Infraordinary is now in my lexicon. I've long wondered about saying, "She's really out there!" When I usually mean, "Wow, she's really in there!" Fascinated by the places our inners meet our outers.

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Online friend Andreas Kornevall- who I've never met- made a post beginning thus:

"Wandering Into the Troll-Forest...

There is an emerging land-based contemplative practice coming from the Northern tradition called the "Utiseta". The old sources: Voluspa (Poetic Edda), The Story of Svipdag, The Islengingabok, the Law books, the Swedish Black Books are all filled with this sacred practice. An Utiseta can be a commitment to walk at night time in the woods for an entire year (called Årsgang), or its sitting on a lonely mound between dusk and dawn. The Utiseta practice was banned by Christian lawmakers during the Medieval centuries and it's through their laws that we know about this at all..."

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