Jeesus girl. That was awesome. Highest respect for not being a pampered sluburbanite.

I feel people like us were not born for this world. But for its ashes.

Do you ever pray for civilization collapse so you will finally fit in ?

I loved that piece.

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Ha yeah this piece just sort of happened, and as I was writing it I kept thinking 'This is very Obsidian Blackbirdesque'!

Don't reckon I'm so tuff these days though.

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Its always within you... you just have to act up now and then.

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This fearless younger self is the one I'm always trying to channel in order to write better. There was this incident over a year ago where I rescued a woman from being murdered- it was after midnight, and it happened just outside my house- and BOOM that self was still right there ready to engage while one or two neighbours stood around in their pyjamas. Not mentioning this to diss the neighbours or big-up myself, but that incident changed me. That old self was right there ready to go. When there's a moment to act, I act. Then I started this Substack. Now I am just a mild-mannered keyboard warrior making jokes about the end of the world ha ha

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Thats fantastic :) I may descend in to stories about all the excitement that happends after I run in the direction of the screaming.

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Aug 2Liked by Rosie Whinray

I traveled from Texas to Christchurch in 2013-2014 as essentially a specialized contractor. Once in the summer, which was beautiful, and once in the winter, which was miserable. I worked in the devastated CBD, and in vast suburban neighborhoods of houses which had been condemned and purchased by the NZ government. We startled a few people, mostly older, who were still covertly squatting their own homes.

Much of the urban activity seemed to have re-coalesced in less-affected areas like the bustling Westfield Riccarton mall. I did visit the container mall for fancy keepsakes. The pub scene was thriving, but hard to investigate since we were working 7-day weeks. I was flabbergasted to stumble into an all-ages DIY punk showcase, apparently put on with the intent of giving kids something to do. This sort of scene had all but died out in my part of the world, 20 years earlier.

I vividly remember my time in Chch, and I appreciated this more intimate view.

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I was superstitious that in writing about earthquakes I would summon one. Then last night, strong enough to wake me up: https://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/2024p587797

Not uncommon, but we haven't had one for a while...

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